6 Starting the VPN

You are now ready to launch racoon and test the VPN tunnel. For debugging purposes, open the Firewall-1 Log Viewer and define a log filter to isolate entries pertaining to FreeBSD GW. You may also find it helpful to tail(1) the racoon log:

# tail -f /var/log/racoon.log

Start racoon using the following command:

# /usr/local/sbin/racoon -f /usr/local/etc/racoon/racoon.conf

Once racoon has been launched, telnet(1) to a host on the Firewall-1 protected network.

# telnet -s 22

This command attempts to connect to the ssh(1) port on, a machine in the Firewall-1 protected network. The -s switch indicates the source interface of the outbound connection. This is particularly important when running NAT and IPFW on FreeBSD GW. Using -s and specifying an explicit source address prevents NAT from mangling the packet prior to tunneling.

A successful racoon key exchange will output the following to the racoon.log log file:

pfkey UPDATE succeeded: ESP/Tunnel>
pk_recvupdate(): IPSec-SA established: ESP/Tunnel>
get pfkey ADD message IPsec-SA established: ESP/Tunnel>

Once key exchange completes (which takes a few seconds), an ssh(1) banner will appear. If all went well, two “Key Install” messages will be logged in the Firewall-1 Log Viewer.

Action      |  Source        |  Dest.             | Info.
Key Install | |     | IKE Log: Phase 1 (aggressive) completion.
Key Install | |     | scheme: IKE methods

Under the information column, the full log detail will read:

IKE Log: Phase 1 (aggressive) completion. 3DES/MD5/Pre shared secrets Negotiation Id:
scheme: IKE methods: Combined ESP: 3DES + MD5 + PFS (phase 2 completion) for host: